Let’s awaken the wisdom, pleasure and powers that lives in our pussies.

I am Cim Ek

I dream of a world where every woman feels deeply connected to herself - where she remembers that being a woman is a blessing, not a curse or a burden.

I guide women back home to themselves, to the inherent power that lives within us. Not a power over anyone or anything, but the kind of power that sets us free - free to be fully and unapologetically ourselves.

For generations, we’ve been conditioned to shrink, to fit into the box of the good girl, the good woman - tamed, quiet, acceptable, comfortable. But within each of us lives a wild, radiant essence longing to break free.

I am here to help you liberate the parts of yourself you may not even have met yet - to unravel the conditioning, to strip away the stories that kept you small and to step into the full expression of YOU.

Join me in reclaiming what’s been lost - our feminine wisdom, our raw power and our fully expressed selves.

1:1 Mentorship

In my 1:1 mentorship we dive together into a deep, transformative and personal journey. We craft a costume made path based on your longings, desires and needs and find what’s needed for you to live in a deeply connected way to your true self.

Pussy awakening

Our pussy holds the key to our pleasure, power and feminine wisdom. My Pussy Awakening Course is a transformational journey to reclaim your connection to her - through yoni anatomy, pleasure rituals and cyclical wisdom. Dive deep, release past shame and step into your full power and wisdom.

Are you ready to awaken her?

Get this free workshop

Pussy essentials

Join my FREE Pussy Essentials Workshop and learn how to connect to your pussy oracle. Your pussy is the gateway to deep wisdom, pleasure and self-trust - when you reconnect with her, your whole life transforms.

you’ve probably heard:

= slang and derogatory term used to belittle someone.
”Being a pussy” implies being a coward, weak, or easily fatigued.

Let’s look at that for a second

What is a pussy?

A quick elevator pitch for the Pussy.

The pussy creates new life!
Brings a new soul and grow a human body for that life to be able to exist.


The cervix and vagina are one of the strongest body parts! Able to expand, stretch, and give birth to new life over and over again.

Everyone alive has a pussy to thank for their existence.


The pussy is the portal between this manifested reality and the unmanifested realms. The gateway to that which is beyond.
Connecting us to source, spirit, god, goddess - whatever you want to call it.



The pussy is connected to the cycles of the moon, as we can bleed with the new moon and ovulate with the full moon.

All pussies are connected! When women live together our cycles starts to synchronise and we start bleeding and ovulating at the same time.


The pussy is connected to Earth, the Great Mother and her seasons.
As her cycle of death and rebirth; winter, spring, summer and fall lives through our menstrual cycles each month.


And if that wasn’t enough magic already…


The pussy has the potential for multiorgasmic-ness! Depending on how we count, between 5-15 different orgasms that can build and weave on top of each other.

The clitoris alone has 8000 nerve endings! Whose is double the amount of what a penis has. And the clit is the only body part which only function is pleasure.

How amazing is that?

If that’s what a pussy is…

- wouldn’t we want to be a pussy?