Welcome witch!
I’m so happy you are here!
This is a healing journey to liberate yourself and your witch!
In this course I’ve gathered the tools and practices that I’ve used on my journey to liberate my own witch. I’m so happy to share them with you and all women who seeks this healing and liberation.
This is about recognising where there are more freedom for you to claim, and then working with you mind and body and stepping into a new chapter. And lead your life from your full potential - free to express, share your voice, your gifts and stand in your power.
Let’s go!
What is a witch?
The word witch comes from the word WISE.
And means “the one who sees, the one who knows”
first thing, first
What is the witch wound?
You might have a past life where you were burned at the stake for being a witch.
You might have a past life as a loved one to someone who got hunted for being a witch.
You might have someone in your ancestry line getting killed for being a witch.
Your might not have any of those things, and yet you are still affected by the witch wound.
watch my video
"what is the witch wound”
for more on this topic
100 000 people where executed for being a witch in Europe between the 1400-1800s. Beyond the actual killings of these wise women, the implication of the witch hunts reaches way further than those numbers.
This was a crime that left a mark on everyone who wasn’t directly targeted, setting a well implemented new norm that practicing polytheism and paganism was bad and dangerous! Simply believing in other gods, practicing other traditions or using the medicine of the natural world- could get you in conflict with the ever more dominating church.
Over these centuries the Christian church dominated Europe and influenced a new European culture- with one god, a masculine god. And our old ways, the indigenous cultures and traditions of European got lost and forgotten.
And that my friend, affects us all.
lost culture,
lost traditions,
lost medicine,
And a loss of all the wise women.
That is what the witch wound is.
In this five parts healing journey you will:
Map out your internal prison cell by doing a Freedom Test, that will reveal where you have more freedom to claim in your current life.
Find and turn limiting beliefs that keeps you small, so you can step into a new more liberated chapter.
Learn all emotional release tools needed to move through the stagnated emotions from past lives, your lineage and your own life.
Release your inner guard that keeps your witch locked up by doing parts work.
Letting your witch create a powerful ritual to anchor in your newly claimed freedom and power.
Each of these steps includes a shorter instructional video and a practice/worksheet for you to do at home.
Through this journey you get to be your own saviour!
You get to liberate yourself, your expression, your power - and your witch.
Witch wound healing course
I didn’t always identify as a witch. The word used to create resistance in me. But as my spiritual path unfolded and I found myself sensing, accessing, and embodying my witch - it brought me to face my relationship with the word. I realised, my resistance wasn’t about what being a witch meant to me, but rather the labels and misconceptions the world had placed on it.
The way I see it, the witch is part of our soul stream - a consciousness within me that transcends this specific human experience. It carries ancient wisdom and knowledge that my human self could never have gained in this lifetime. It is different for all of us, but for me, this wisdom reveals itself through visions, insights, light language, channelling, energy- and sexual healing.
Initially, I only accessed this state in special moments - during dance, ceremonies, lovemaking or deep meditation. But now, it’s become my home within myself, a state I refer to as “having all of me”, the place where my human and spirit meet.
Integrating this part of me into my human, into my life - has completely transformed how I experience life. Cim, my human self, is now my precious vessel I care for and honour. But it’s no longer up to her alone to figure everything out or to rationalize every decision ahead. I’ve learned that intuition and guidance don’t come from my mind - they arise from my body and soul. Trusting that guidance was terrifying at first, but every time I’ve followed it, the rewards have been far greater than I could have imagined.
Liberating my witch has allowed me to walk my own path, in alignment with my truth and powers, and co-create my reality with Spirit.
And off corse, each and every one of us, has our own connection to our soul, witch and the divine. The more we listen and tune in to our witch, the stronger that connection gets.
Let’s all tune in, free ourselves from the internalised prison, and step into the rest of our lives more whole, more connected and more free.