Glitter Yonis!
Say what?!
Yes, you heard it right. Yonis and glitter together.
Who would think of such crazy idea?
I guess me. When I first had the idea I also thought I was crazy. And I wondered to myself, how on earth I would get anyone to take part in such an art project.
Over 200 glittered and photographed yonis later,
it turned out it wasn’t such crazy idea after all.
It actually makes perfect sense. Let me tell you how!
Time to see her
Ok, let’s start with a sad fact.
As women today, we don’t truly and fully know our own sex. Many women havent even looked proparly at their own yoni and even less so looking at someone else’s. The only times we actually get to see yonis are in medical context or in porn.
We don’t have a visual understanding
of the diversity of the yoni.
But even more problematic, is that all (yes I say all) women have taken on shame in regards to their sex and sexuality. Direct or indirect we have all leaned to not talk about her, to not be curious about her and to not enjoy her shamelessly.
It’s time to change all of that!
Every yoni has a life story
Every participant took part in in either a privat session or in a womens circle where they got to reflect and share about their yoni. When we share we bring what has been hidden in the dark, into the light so it can be seen and transformed. On the topic of our yoni and our sexuality the list seams endless with the many things we have not been expressing and sharing thus far in our lives. It’s time we start having those converstations.
Listening to each other it quickly becomes clear that we are not alone, the details might be different, but we are all on the journey of finding our way back home to our yoni.
To feel her, hear her and deepen our connection that to some degree has been lost.
Yoni means
“sacred gateway” in sanskrit.
Let’s reclaim the meaning of that.
glittered & photographed,
this is a bright, colorful & sparkeling collection of yoni art!
With over
This project brings our yonis into the spotlight;
to be seen, honored and celebrated.
With colors and glitter it does just that, and at the same time offers a well needed visual representation of the diversity of the yoni.
The inspiration
I was at a nightclub, out dancing with my friend. I needed to use the bathroom and the line to the women’s bathroom stretched out the room and around the corner. I glanced into the men’s bathroom, it was empty - so I sneaked in!
I pied and when I came out of the stall a there was a few men there peeing in the urinal. All of a sudden I saw a few penises!
Ops, sorry! I excused myself and rushed out from there.
This little incident could have passed like any other moment in my life, but it didn’t. Instead it made me reflect on how I would never see any genitals in the female bathroom, yet for men that is the case every time. It hit me how often men see, touch and connect to their penis on a regular basis. Every time they go to pie. And everytime they are naked, their genitals are completely visuable.
This is so different for us women! We don’t see or touch our own yoni when we go to the bathroom. We have to take an action step to actually see her, bending over or grabbing a mirror. How often do we actually do that?
When we are naked with other women, in public showers or in saunas for example, we don’t really see the vulva and the labia. We only see the front of the yoni. So as women we have no natural experiences of seeing the diversity of our own sex!
The other times we see yonis is in in medical context or in porn, which hardly gives a good representation of the diversity of the vulva.
I found it inspiring that nothing really stops us from connecting to our yonis,
it’s all in our hands!
I wanted to create a space without medical or sexual context, where every yoni can be seen in her beauty, just as she is.
As a way to bring the element of celebration, joy and fun into it I had the idea to use eco glitter. The glitter is a bit like putting on a dress, where every yoni get to shine in her own colors. As a result, the yonis are not fully naked in the photos, but still showes every yonis features and beauty.
As a welcomed bonus, the glitter also creates a link between the yoni and a galaxy in the universe - as every yoni is a portal to her own mysterious womb space.